Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Alex Rodriguez

A-Rod, A-Fraud, A-Roid...


The guy is a steroid injecting, prostitute frequenting, douchebag. He cheats at and on everything. His wife. The game of baseball, not once but twice. And when he cheats at baseball, it's not savvy cheating, it's schoolyard, girly-man cheating.

Forget the he's overpaid argument. Forget that I'm a Red Sox fan. He's so self-absorbed, so concerned with his image that he will never rise above himself. He creates conflict in the clubhouse and, so long as all he cares about is his numbers - both on the field and in his wallet - the Yankees, mark my words, will never win a World Series. Not so long as he's on the team. 

Bye bye Curse of the Bambino. Hello Curse of the Douche.

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