Thursday, March 5, 2009

Douchebag Move: Keeping Your Bluetooth in Your Ear All the Time

It's a douchebag move. If you're not talking on the phone, would you keep a phone on your ear? No. So why's that thing still in your ear.

Don't pretend it's comfortable. It's not. I have one. It feels like a Q-tip is stuck there, but not far enough in to provide that Q-tippy, orgasmic pleasure. I take it out as soon as I'm off the phone.

And it reeks of laziness and self-importance. Ohhh. I get sooooo many calls. My phone is ringing off - the - hook. C'mon dude, when the phone rings, reach into your pocket, put the thing in your ear, and talk. When you say goodbye, put the thing back in your pocket. 

While we're at it, I'm adding a sub-category. If you're not listening to your iPod, put the headphones away. Don't keep them in your ear, or around your neck. We're all proud of you, you have an iPod. Okay. Are you happy now?

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