Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Subway Douche

In an effort to reach out to my east coast brethren, todays post warns of a common, yet easily corrected, Douchebag move. 

Not moving to the center of the subway car.

Listen - subway riding is the ultimate socialist experiment, and that means that once you step on the car, you're all in it together. And if there is breathing space to be had in the middle, even though you have to reach up to hold the pole and you're getting off in two stops, then you need to step on in.

The attitude of the Subway Douche goes to one of the key tenets of douchiness: thinking I'm better than you, and therefore, I can do whatever is most convenient for me, even if it's inconvenient for you. 

Along these lines, and it might warrant a separate post later, on an escalator... walk on the left, stand on the right. 

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